
Factors to Consider Before Rewriting Job Descriptions

There is a lot of competition in the job market. Make sure your company is a viable contender for winning the attention of the most promising candidates. According to*, more than 52% of applications are completed and submitted through job boards. Another 34% comes from career sites. Logically, job descriptions for openings within your company take on a relatively significant role. After all, advertisements for job vacancies are often the source of initial exposure applicants experience when interacting with a company.

Take a look at the job descriptions your company posts online. Chances are those descriptions could use a makeover. Minority Professional Network offers advice about four significant factors to consider when rewriting a more, attractive job description.

What’s in a Name?

In short, everything. While there is no magical formula for choosing the “right” job title, being too creative could also come at a price. A qualified applicant may bypass learning more about a position based on the way a job title is worded.

The simplest solution is to make job titles SEO proof. Search engine optimized job titles can add more versatility to your online postings. Considering technological advancements, the average job seeker can perform an internet search to locate listings for a specific job title in a specific location. Sure, researching whether “Marketing Analytics Analyst” or “Data Analyst” is more widely searched takes a bit more effort; however, an increased likelihood of appealing to ideal candidates makes it well worth it.


The K.I.S.S. model acronym is definitely applicable when rewriting your job descriptions. Stick with an easy-to-follow structure, starting with a short description of the job. Add no more than 5- 7 bullet points explaining the expected tasks of the specific role.  It may be helpful to consider grouping these tasks into categories such as management skills or communication.

Another way to simplify a large amount of information that could potentially become convoluted is to use shorter sentences. Pertinent details can easily get overlooked in long sentences. The ultimate objective is to prevent your recruiting team from wasting time reviewing resumes from unqualified applicants. Finally, spell check and proofread. Job seekers spend hours poring over countless job descriptions. Therefore, spelling and grammatical errors should be avoided.

Be Relevant. 

It is likely not a good idea to dust off and reuse an old job description from five years ago. Whether posted on a job board, career site or even inside a social media interest group, all job descriptions should be relevant to the skills and experience necessary to be competitive today. Therefore, it is advisable for Recruiters and Human Resources professionals to conduct interviews and receive feedback from employees who currently hold specific positions.

A good job description addresses the company’s long term objectives and overall focus on growth. It should also offer insight regarding the expectations of how the individual hired in the specific role is expected to contribute to the overall profitability of the company.

Be Human.

In order to attract the masses, your job description should appeal to applicants’ emotional intelligence. Organize your thoughts and communicate clearly. Be inclusive of details regarding your company’s work culture, and discuss characteristic traits of an employee who would be considered a good “fit”.

Be assertive. Sell the position and explain why fulfilling this role with the right candidate could make a huge impact on the company as a whole. Highlight the company’s values as well as employee benefits and perks.


A poorly crafted job description can negatively impact your company’s ability to successfully attract potential candidates. Don’t take the risk. Apply these guidelines, and rewrite those job descriptions to be more thoughtful and effective.

Engage Minority Professional Network to provide more hands-on assistance with rewriting your company’s job descriptions. We provide consultation and writing services.

* (Jobvite 2017 Recruiting Funnel Benchmark Report)